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Eagle Bancorp, Inc.'s 4th Quarter and Year End 2024 Earnings Conference Call was held on January 23, 2025. Click here to listen to the recorded webcast.


Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, EagleBank Leasing can structure a lease to meet your organization’s specific needs. We can provide both operating and capital leases for new and previously owned equipment. Almost any type of equipment can be leased—computer or manufacturing equipment, office and medical equipment, even energy equipment. EagleBank Leasing has the financing tools to equip your business with what it needs.

Types of Leasing

It’s likely your company already owns or operates equipment that would entitle your company to the benefits of leasing. Don’t think the equipment you need can be leased? It most likely can be.

  • Construction: Bulldozers, Cranes, Compactors, Excavators
  • Energy: Backup Generators, HVAC, Lighting Retrofit, Security Systems
  • Industrial and Manufacturing: Production, Injection, Textile Machines
  • Material Handling: Forklifts, Conveyors, Platform Lifts
  • Medical: CTs, Dental and Optical Equipment, Heart Monitors, X-ray Machines
  • Office: Furniture, Telecommunications, Labeling, Postage
  • Printing/Publishing: Binders, Cutters, Presses, Typesetting

Benefits of Leasing

Leasing is a finance option that:

  • satisfies your need to manage cash flow and credit lines
  • protects you from equipment obsolescence
  • allows for upgrades or additional equipment to meet your changing needs
  • transfers uncertainties and risk of ownership to the lessor
  • allows for the conservation of capital
  • is a hedge against inflation
  • is a predictable budgetary tool

Additional Tax Benefits:

The primary value of equipment to you is in its use — not its ownership. This has been underscored by tax laws that make the leasing of capital equipment attractive for companies of all sizes. Leasing may have the following benefits:

  • Both capital and operating leases can be provided
  • Operating leases are structured to help you avoid the Alternative Minimum Tax
  • Capital leases allow you to keep the depreciation benefits

Why Lease With Us?

We offer flexibility and convenience. And with a wide range of leasing options, we’re confident we can help you.

EagleBank Leasing is committed to delivering the same high standard of service you have come to expect from us. In conjunction with The ELEX Group, Inc. — an independent leasing group with over 40 years of experience — we provide lease- financing solutions to our business customers. The combination of ELEX’s experience and EagleBank’s funding allows us to provide simple lease financing of commercial equipment at competitive rates, while the ELEX team’s knowledge and experience allow us to structure a lease designed to meet your unique requirements.

Our success has been based on delivering competitive products and finding creative solutions to your financing needs.

  • You may early-terminate all or any unit of equipment without penalty
  • Additional equipment may be added at any time
  • A variety of lease terms, structures, and purchase options are available
  • Superior customer service

About Leasing:

Leasing equipment requires a customer (lessee) to make specific monthly payments over a mutually agreed-upon period of time. Title for the equipment rests with the leasing company (lessor) for the term of the lease. At the end of the term a purchase option may be exercised by the lessee.

The Process Is Simple:

1. Discuss your capital equipment needs and financing structure with your EagleBank commercial lender.
2. Choose the equipment and negotiate a price with the vendor.
3. We’ll provide credit approval, verify vendor invoices, prepare lease documents, and pay the vendor.

For more information about our Equipment Leasing services, please email us at or call 301.628.4700.

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